Teaching Audio, part 15 -- Big Podcasts, Little City

Since I am teaching this year at the University Nevada, Reno, here is a list of notable podcasts being produced out of Reno ...

Reno Podcasts

Grammar Girl (Professor at UNR) http://www.quickanddirtytips.com/grammar-girl

Van Sounds (by Fil Corbitt, also at the Reynolds School) http://filcorbitt.com/van-sounds/

A Lo Dicho Pecho (Directed by Vanessa Vancour, also at the RSJ) https://www.facebook.com/alodichopecho

Worst Little Podcast (picture above portrays the local arts scene) http://www.worstlittlepodcast.com/

This Week In Energy (one of the hosts is from Reno) http://www.thisweekinenergy.tv/

Beta Sandwich (by UNR students) http://betasandwich.com/ 

The Poison Cast (also by UNR students) http://www.thepoisoncast.com/episodes/

Update... in January 2016, This is Reno came up with an expanded list, including a student pilot project for this class! Super Happy Talk Time made it on a list of podcasts to listen to made in Reno.

If you found this tutorial useful, check out other installments. Here's the full list of chapters from my audio tutorials:

Teaching Audio -- Instilling Passion

Teaching Audio part 1 -- Recording Audio

Teaching Audio part 2 -- Writing for the Ear

Teaching Audio part 3 -- Audio Editing

Teaching Audio part 4 -- Sound Effects, Using Music and Audio Libraries

Teaching Audio part 5 -- Anchor Leads, News Writing, Judgment and Features

Teaching Audio part 6 -- Voicing

Teaching Audio part 7 -- On the Scene Reporting

Teaching Audio part 8 -- Interviews

Teaching Audio part 9 -- Newscasts and Stacking the News

Teaching Audio part 10 -- Commercials

Teaching Audio part 11 -- Raising Your Game

Teaching Audio part 12 -- Podcasting Intro

Teaching Audio part 13 -- Window Dressing

Teaching Audio part 14 -- Podcast Lists

Teaching Audio part 15 -- Big Podcasts, Little City

Teaching Audio part 16 -- Listening to Podcasts and Publishing your Own

Teaching Audio, part 17 -- Joining Podcast Communities

Teaching Audio, part 18 -- Podcasting for PR

Teaching Audio, part 19 -- Promoting Your Podcast

Teaching Audio, part 20 -- Making Money in Podcasting

Teaching Audio, part 21 -- Building a Career in Audio


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