Still Feeling the Bern in Reno, a Photo Series

Bernie Sanders was back in Reno this evening, choosing the Biggest Little City's main downtown plaza as his backdrop. It turned into an event not nearly as boisterous as his UNR entry four years ago. His campaign rally is now a well oiled machine ... quick, effective, to the point, but also somewhat more mechanic and less revolutionary. Many others are now following some of his stances and even speech patterns, so the uniqueness of his stump speech has also dimmed. There is still time though and with the crowded Democratic field, there seems to be a sense that something big needs to happen to shake up this race to defeat Trump in 2020, but it's unlikely to come from Sanders, who to his credit, has stuck to the same script for decades, and who will undoubtedly be in the top three or four. But will difficulties with the black vote come to haunt him again for the nomination? Who will have the buzz Bernie had four years ago this time around?


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