Swing County USA: Hispandering?

“Have you heard of the term Hispandering?” asks Vanessa Vancour, who teaches the Noticiero Movil bilingual reporting class at the University Nevada, Reno. Presidential candidates from both the Democratic and Republican parties have used a myriad of tactics and immigrant narratives to attract decisive Latino voters in this 2016 election cycle. As national media prepare to swarm into Nevada for Feb. 20th and 23rd caucuses, Part 4 of my documentary series Swing County USA looks at the effect of some of these strategies in Washoe County, a swing county in a swing state.

This is Reno link to part 1 of Swing County USA: The Donald Trump Effect

This is Reno link to part 2 of Swing County USA: “All Eyes Are on Us”

This is Reno link to part 3 of Swing County USA: Noticiero Movil


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