#StreetPhotography at its Finest: Mark Makela

Mark Makela, a Philadelphia-based roving photographer, recently liked one of my photos posted on the Struggle and Hope instagram feed (which is part of a documentary web project about Oklahoma's historical and still remaining all-black towns).

Screen grab from the Mark Makela website

While looking at his own photographs, I was immediately impressed by Makela's uncanny, refined street side sensibilities, and his wide ranging abilities in capturing beauty and original quirks in everyday hardscrabbled life.

Screen grab from the Mark Makela Instagram feed.

Like finding an author who speaks to you, it's always nice to discover a photographer who sees the world, and retransmits it, in a way that makes sense, while also elevating hardship and our flawed humanity into poetry worth living.

Screen grab of Google Image search of "Mark Makela".


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