Inspiration: Banksy's Exit Through the Gift Shop

This is a movie rat, much like Banksy's trademark mural one, and a brilliant one.

A faux-documentary, an autobiographical mockumentary, a comedy with an incredible actor Mister Brainwash "MBW" (who deserves a Best Actor nod), it is also an inside look at street graffiti turned high art, and all the trappings and potential and techniques that entails. Would it still work if you knew it was a montage from start to finish? Isnt everything in a way?

So Mr. Brainwash who continues his "career" is Banksy's fake Saddam basically, who allows the elusive Banksy to parody himself, even in art. When you are buying a "MBW" piece, you are buying a fake Banksy done by Banksy himself, or rather a Bansky acolyte working for him, as Banksy has become an art industry. This is sheer brilliance. Next up, an "MBW" impersonator?

My only disappointment is that when Mr. Brainwash explains his film editing technique, basically ... you just take a tape, take a moment there, zap it in, take another moment from another tape, zap it in ... that that isn't true either, since that's my own style of film editing. Also Banksy's painted elephant in the room at his art premiere should have been left in terms of movie lore for The Party by Peter Sellers and in actual reality in peace wherever the poor mammal came from.

I never understood why Sacha Baron Cohen who got a Golden Globe for Best Actor in "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan", also didn't get a Best Documentary nomination for an Oscar, as is the case for Banksy's cinematic tour de street force. Perhaps there will be a Borat vs. MBW movie one day.

In that battle, I still take Borat and Cohen, because there is honesty there, and they take themselves even less seriously.


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